maandag 15 september 2008

Grace Falls Down Like Water ep

Halverwege mei heb ik al eerder n post gedaan op mijn thans-verwijderde blog. Deze post is naar mijn idee de moeite waard om opnieuw weer te geven.

Op 15 mei vond de release plaats van de EP 'Grace Falls Down Like Water' van de band Nuclear Playground. Wij omschrijven onze muziek als 'alternatieve, gepassioneerde pop' en hebben dit met 5 nummers op 1 EP (extended play) proberen vast te leggen.
Het artwork (met dank aan vriend en collega Dennis van Gaalen) is minstens zo fraai zoals je hieronder ziet.
Deze EP is overigens nog steeds te koop.

"Grace falls down like water

‘Grace’ is the name of the first and only studio album of the legendary artist Jeff Buckley. The ‘Hyundai Grace’ is a minivan built by Hyundai Motor Company in the eighties. The Charites were three sisters in the Greek mythology, also known as ‘The Three Graces’. Grace Kelly, one of the greatest female stars of the fifties, was known as ‘Princess Grace of Monaco’. Many were and are inspired by grace.

Because of grace we can come as we are, and become who we should be. Grace is hard to give; it requires humility and patience to choose for the other instead of yourself. It's hard to give; receiving what you don't deserve, unconditionally, expecting nothing.

The Netherlands are known for a long battle against water. Yet, water is essential to everything alive. It cleanses, quenches and refreshes us. It is our friend and yet an enemy. We love it, but fear its threat.

As a band we've been, and still are, searching for the essence of our songs. GFDLW is a recording we all have been looking forward to for a long time, and we’re all very proud off the result of all the time, love and energy we’ve put in it.

We’re one band, though four different people. It makes us what we are and what we have become. Last years, we went through quite some experiences, as well as a band as individuals. Where we failed, we needed grace to continue together. With each other and with ourselves.

Grace is like water; we can't live without it, but it has an uncontrollable strength and takes us to places we might not want to go in the first place.. it falls down at moments we don’t expect or ask for it, but in the end it drives passion and reveals inner beauty.

Grace can not be captured in just one word, or just one sentence, or even in a song.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..

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